My Personal Testimony

A brief synopsis of my personal testimony:

Solomon Kwaku Amedofu was born by a Ghanaian father and a Sierra Leonean mother in the City of Freetown – Sierra Leone. Throughout his childhood with his mother, he had always been a Muslim; believing that there is no other deity than Allah and that Muhammad is the seal of all his messengers to mankind. He was told to believe that the only way man will enter paradise is by observing the five pillars of Islam: faith in no other but Allah; the observant of five daily prayers; to give charity to the poor; to keep the month of Ramadan with fasting and if possible once in one’s lifetime base on the economic status make a pilgrimage to Mecca.

During the month of Ramadan, Solomon would fast and pray earnestly that if by any chance, Allah would forgive all of his sins and eventually grants him mercy.
And at the end of the month of Ramadan, he would join with his fellow Muslims worldwide to celebrate the religious holiday of Eid al – Fitr.
During his youthful age, he became more familiar with the doctrine of Islam which says Allah has no Son, and that Jesus Christ was just of a prophet sent by Allah, and the promise of the Holy Spirit was the prophet, Muhammad.

At age 23, the fear and thoughts of going to hell kept hunting him as a result of the so many nightmares he had about hell. He tried not to border about it, thinking that it would eventually pass away, but that even resulted into so many challenges and hardship which he had to suffer. There was virtually no hope, self-worth or peace within him. As God would have it; there was an Ad on TV about a Christian programme which was scheduled in a City called Tema, in Ghana in April, 1998.

Each time he happens to watch this Ad; the more he became convicted of sin and finally made up his mind to be at the Christian programme.

Lo and behold, He whom He never knew, the Son of God, the second person of the Godhead, who died and rose again on the third day, which no one can come to except His Spirit draws him near became his Saviour. Indeed, there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved Acts 4:12. And according to John 14:6, Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life: for no man cometh to the father, but by him.

In 2003, Solomon flew back to Sierra Leone, and it was there that he joined a Charismatic Church and became a member of the evangelism and visitation team. The desire for spiritual growth was a priority for him, and he therefore got the opportunity to study certificate and diploma in ministerial training for two years at the National Bible Training Centre from 2003 – 2005.
Six months after his graduation, he was privileged to be ordained as a pastor and become the assistant pastor of World Changers Assembly, where he also served as Church treasurer. In 2006, he was given a scholarship from the Church to improve on his pastoral work to study at the Evangelical College of Sierra Leone, where he got certificates in various topics: The process of Church planting, SCP Vision, Spiritual Character, Prayer, Evangelism, Disciple Making, Cell Groups, Bible Study Methods, Preaching, Leadership, Stewardship, The Family, The Church, How to Plant Daughter Churches.
In 2008, he was exposed to verse-by-verse teaching of the Bible via a radio program called alethea broadcast from a doctrinal bible believing Church in Sierra Leone. Solomon became very interested in the weekly lectures of the Bible as the speaker kept putting emphasis on the context of the scripture, and this led to his resignation from World Changers Assembly, where he was serving as the assistant pastor to be part of a doctrinal ministry called Grace Centre Church which helped shaped his theology in alignment with dispensationalism.
On April 29, 2006, Solomon got married to an easygoing and beautiful lady by the name of June Grace Amedofu (Nee Metzger), and they both have three children. Our first child is Priscilla, who is 17; Ithiel is our second daughter, and is 13; and Shalom our son, is 7 years old. 

Solomon’s relationship and love for God and His work gives him peace of mind always.
Though he hasn’t seen Him, he loves Him. Though he does not now see Him, he believes in Him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory, obtaining the outcome of his faith, the salvation of his soul.

May grace and peace be multiplied to you.